Lá Teaghlaigh agus don pobal i gcoiteann. Turas rothar thart ar Mhionloch. Ceardlann ar deisiú rothar agus go leor eile.
A day for the bike! A leisurely cycle around Menlo. Bike-fixing workshop. Entertainment and fun. This promises to be a great day for all the family and for the public.
This event is being run as part of Cycle Week.
Bígí linn!
Tá an ócáid seo á eagrú mar chuid de 'Seachtain na Rothar'
Táimid fíor bhuíoch as ucht an urraíocht a thug Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe dúinn.:
This event is being run as part of Cycle Week.
We are grateful for the support we received from Galway City Council.
Bígí linn!