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Siúlóid stairiúil, chultúrtha & sóisialta as Gaeilge thart ar chathair na Gaillimhe

Historical, cultural and social walk around Galway as Gaeilge

Deis agat do chuid Gaeilge a chleachtadh go nádúrtha agus léargas a fháil ar chathair na Gaillimhe.

Fáilte roimh chách.

Cainteoirí dúchasacha, cainteoirí líofa, foghlaimeorí, glanfhoghlaimeoirí.

Bígí linn!

A chance to learn more about the amazing city of Galway while practicing your Irish in a natural setting.

People of all levels of Irish are most welcome.

Bígí Linn!

Saor in Aisce / Free of Charge


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